
We provide a wide range of Services

Whether it’s market research or regulatory analysis, we rely on years of experience to help you navigate the world of energy and climate action.

How We Can Help You

We provide a wide scope of services to respond to your specific needs.

Market Research & Analysis

Get to the lay of the land. We work to help you understand current trends, analyse data, and provide recommend-ations — everything to give you more confidence for your next move.

Power System Modelling, incl. Battery Storage & EVs

Dive even deeper. We can find out for you how various European power markets will behave depending on changing the variables that interest you.

Policy & Regulatory Analysis

We can help you make sense of the latest developments in energy and ESG-related policy and regulations.

Stakeholder Management

Bringing people with conflicting views to the same table is not easy, especially when it comes to sustainability issues — we're here to make it possible.

Advocacy & Comms

Your ideas matter. We help you get them across to the right people in policy and industry.

Technical Translation

Translating energy-related topics needs special attention and access to experts. We provide you with both.

Our Projects

Here is a selection of projects we’ve tackled so far:

Pre-feasibility study of 10 MW battery storage for grid balancing

Pre-feasibility study of 10 MW battery storage for grid balancing

Our client sought new market opportunities for load balancing with Battery Energy Storage in the Nordics.

We conducted an extensive analysis of balancing markets and revenue expectations for a 10 MW storage unit. We also studied connection modalities.

Our analysis informed the client’s final venture decision.

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Market and regulatory analysis for decarbonisation of 1 GW CHP

Our client was performing a vendor due diligence of 1 GW of combined heat and power assets in Central Europe.

IGN performed research of the local heating markets as well as a broader regulatory analysis.

Our analysis helped build an up-case for the asset decarbonisation strategy.

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Market study of energy efficiency and electric vehicles in Germany

The client was in need of a thorough analysis of the residential energy markets, i.e. for efficiency measures, rooftop PV, home storage units, as well as EV and home charging markets.

We provided a comprehensive report that guided the client’s product coverage.

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Climate tech job growth study and product strategy

The client wanted to understand the demand for and market opportunity in developing new educational products covering current and emerging climate technology areas as well as key risks for their growth.

Our analysis yielded three key technology areas with the highest workforce growth that have become part of the client’s product development strategy.

What's your next project about?

Whatever your challenge, we believe it can be solved with thorough analysis.